Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dear Abby's Pecan Pie

I clipped this recipe out of the Dear Abby column in the newspaper years ago.  I have two versions of pecan pie that I trade off making at Thanksgiving. We just couldn't decide which was better.  I once made them both and our family did a side by side taste test.  The results were exactly even.  Some liked this one with the light corn syrup and some liked the one with the dark, but honestly they aren't that different. I'll post them both, then you can decide for yourself!   This one has a lighter, more buttery taste, the other, a richer, darker, more molassasy (my spell check says that is NOT a word!) taste.  Either way, Pecan Pie is a MUST for our Thanksgiving feast.

Dear Abby's Pecan Pie
9 inch pie crust (click here for the pie crusts I make about once a year and freeze)
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3 eggs, slightly beaten
1/3 cup butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 heaping cup pecan halves

Heat oven to 350.  (If you use glass pans, 325).  Using a hand or stand mixer, combine the corn syrup, brown sugar, eggs, butter, salt and vanilla.  Blend well.
Fit your crust to a 9 inch pie plate.  Crimp the edges.  Sprinkle the pecan halves in the pie shell.  Pour the filling over the top.  Place on a lined baking sheet and bake at 350 for about 45-50 minutes or until center is set.  (Toothpick inserted in center will come out clean when pie is done)  Cool.  You can top with whipped cream or whipped topping if desired.

I'll post the other version soon.

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