Monday, December 3, 2018

Flourless Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

Turned off already, aren't you?  Flourless?  Gluten-free?  But these are really good.  We have a couple of girls in our young women group who have to eat gluten-free because they have celiac disease.  It is always a challenge to provide treats for them.  I was asked to provide a gluten free option for our young women in excellence night.  I remembered that clear back when I was in college my roommate got so excited about a recipe she found for flourless cookies.  She just was thrilled about it and talked like it was a miracle or something.  We made them and they were good.  Now, fast forward 40 years.  Flourless . . . hmmm . . . that would be gluten-free.  I've long since lost that college recipe, but I googled flourless cookie recipes and was amazed at the many options.  Remembering that the one we tried in college had peanut butter, I opted for the Peanut Butter chocolate chip one.  They were so easy! They could be made in the time it has taken me to type this ridiculously long explanation.  So, even if you don't need  gluten-free, you may want to try these.  They really are good.

Flourless Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 large egg
1/2 cup of well packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup dark chocolate chips

Heat oven to 350
Line baking sheets with parchment or sil pat
In a bowl, beat the egg, then add the brown sugar and baking soda.  Whisk together until well mixed.  Switch to a wooden or other sturdy spoon and stir in the peanut butter.  Mix until smooth.  Mix in the chocolate chips.  Drop by small spoonfuls on the baking sheet.  Wet your hand and lightly press each cookie down.  Bake 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and let sit on the baking pan for a few minutes before moving to a cooling rack.

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