Thursday, May 11, 2023

Perfect Popcorn

 Oh no!  I went to put in a bag of microwave popcorn to pop and eat while we watched a movie and found it was gone!  I guess I will have to pop corn the old-fashioned way.  And I was glad.  It was so much better than the microwave easy version.  And it wasn't that hard.  I googled a recipe and found a very good one!

Perfect Popcorn

3 Tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil
1/3 cup popcorn
1 Tablespoon or more butter

Heat the oil in a heavy pan with a lid.  Put 3 or 4 kernels in the oil.  When the kernels pop, add the rest of the popcorn.  Cover the pot and remove from the heat.  Count to 30.  Then put the pan back on the heat.  The popcorn will start popping soon and all at once because you heated the kernels evenly.  Leave the lid slightly ajar to release steam while it pops and move the pan back and forth over the heat.  When you can count to 5 between pops, remove the pan from the stove and pour the popcorn into a bowl.  Put the butter in the pan and heat until melted.  Pour over the popcorn and salt to taste.  
There you have it.  Perfect popcorn!

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