Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Bed Pillow Cleaner


Every four months, I wash our bed pillows.  Though I don't think it matters a great deal what you use to clean them, this is the recipe I used this time.  They turned out so clean and white.

Bed Pillow Cleaner
A squirt of Dawn 
Laundry detergent, your usual brand and amount
1 pod Cascade dishwasher detergent (or whatever you use)
1 cup bleach
1/2 cup Borax
Very hot water

Boil some water to add to the hot water in your washing machine.  I just did a 1/2 gallon or so.
Squirt in the Dawn and add the detergent.  Put two pillows in your machine, balanced on either side.
Add bleach and Borax.  Run the cycle with an extra rinse cycle.

Dry the pillows in the dryer.  I use the time dry setting because my feather pillow takes so long to dry.  

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