Thursday, April 23, 2020

Freezing Eggs

During this pandemic, it has been hard to get eggs.  So when  I did get some, I decided to try freezing them.  I've always felt that eggs were a hole in my food storage plan.  I whipped a dozen eggs in a bowl and then poured them into ice cube trays.  First I did just one to see how many cubes equaled  1 egg.  With my trays, it was one big and one small cube.  Trays vary, though.
I poured the eggs into the trays, put them on a cookie sheet and froze them overnight.  Getting them out of the trays the next day was a little difficult.  I found the best way is to run hot water over the bottom of the trays for just a minute, then scoop each one out with my finger.  I put them in a quart ziplock to freeze.  If you are just planning to use them for scrambled eggs or French toast and don't need to measure, you could freeze them all together in a pan.

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